...I'm looking forward to meeting you.I'm a Certified Math Teacher (6-12 grades). I'm a certified math teacher for Grades 6-12. Master's degree in mathematics with over 10 years of teaching experience
Certified Math Teacher grades 9-12 Master's degree in Mathematics with 10+ teachingexperience. Taught Precalculus for 3 years in a public school setting. (read more)
...Almost I have sold 3-4 professional projects build using PHP. I have a profound knowledge on PHP along with the security issues related to PHP. I have also worked with the frameworks of PHP like CakePHP, Zend, Laravel I have my master's degree in Computer Engineering. (read more)
...My love of math encourages a wider perspective when teaching and tutoring. I can show students how to work a problem using a method or two, but students will come up with their own methods occasionally. When they do, I strongly encourage the student to stick with their own method as long as it works every time. (read more)
...I am certified in the following areas: Secondary Composite Science, Secondary Earth Science, Secondary Life/Earth Science, and Mathematics 4-8 (which includes Algebra I). I have also had several years of training in Advanced Placement Biology and Chemistry. I have also had excellent results on... (read more)
...I've taken several courses in early childhood development, and apprenticed with a CRC teacher in El Paso for 3 years to learn how to teach basics to adults with limited functionality. I ran 6 different study groups while I was in high school, I was self taught and home bound for my senior year o... (read more)