...For instance, if a student is struggling to interpret fractions, but is familiar with a similar concept (such as division) that we worked on in a previous session, I always encourage them to keep their prior approach in mind, and use their skills lead them to the correct solution. To ensure a st... (read more)
...But all further math is based on the foundation of Algebra, with which I am extremely familiar. I have completed Calculus I, II, III, and IV and earned As in all courses. I regularly apply calculus principles to real world applications, such as in financial modeling of derivatives. (read more)
...My 17 years of industry experience have seen me work on a diverse array of projects, ranging from embedded systems programming and automation to software programming, robotics, and bioinformatics. This vast and varied experience not only highlights my versatility and capability to adapt to new c... (read more)
I have been working in the field of data processing as a programmer/analyst for over 45 years, and have taught C, C++, C#, Java and other languages to over 40 high-tech companies in the Silicon Valley and around the country. I am also the author of my own textbook on C++. If you need help with com... (read more)