...This includes Anime, Manga, comics, western cartoons, and whimsical styles. In regards to digital art, I am quite knowledgeable in Photoshop and have been working with it for over 15 years and know the program well enough to give REAL instruction on how to effectively use it. I am also quite ex... (read more)
...I also teach how to use the shell and write shell scripts, including Raspberry Pi and Arduino. Learn from 15+ years experience programming in MATLAB. Develop advanced MATLAB applications for science and engineering projects. (read more)
...I believe in making writing fun and focusing on the writing process which creates confident writers and a successful outcome. I have taught English Literature to grades 5-12 for the last 8 years. My students have succeeded in English, grammar and writing. (read more)
Hello, I am Marc Andrew C., a current PhD student at the University of Michigan studying Applied Mathematics (with a Master's Degree expected by May 2025). At the University of Michigan, I have taught both Math 115 and 116 (Calculus I and Calculus II), TA'd for graduate level mathematics and current... (read more)
...My father was an artist and businessman. I came to the United States in 2010. I studied at the Academy of Art University in San Francisco, Santa Monica College and the Musicians Institute in Hollywood. (read more)