...Following our time together, your child will then utilize those "tools" through the entire educational career. Remember, just as no two identical snowflakes have never fallen, no two students learn in the exact same way! If you have enjoyed learning about me and would like to inquire about services, please do not hesitate to reach out. (read more)
...I was accepted into Susquehanna University's Teacher Intern Program. This is where I earned my Secondary Education certification. I have started instructing courses and continue to substitute in some of the local brick and mortar schools. (read more)
I am a certified Secondary English teacher, and I would love to help with your reading, writing, literary analysis, or even SAT prep. I also welcome college students or students who need assistance writing essays for scholarships, college admissions, or want to start creating their resume. I am willing to travel and can be flexible with scheduling. (read more)