...For TEAS Prep, I can assist you with all TEAS subjects, including math, reading, English, and science sections (scientific reasoning, life science, anatomy and physiology, and chemistry/physical science).
I live in Rochester, New York, and I have taught the TEAS prep course at Rochester Regional ... (read more)
...I have truly enjoyed this profession all these years. The best rewards have been the many students who have successfully gone to colleges and universities and now speak with confidence and fluency. Many have turned out to long term friends who often write or visit when in town! (read more)
...I also individually coach students who are interested in pursuing musical theater and find they need ballet. My personal experience includes all facets including performance, choreography, and administration. I've been blessed with great training, including intensive courses with Master Teachers who were personal coaches to luminaries such as Baryshnikov, and others at ABT. (read more)