...As a teenager, I acted as the lead in numerous plays and skits. Upon graduation, I taught for ten years (including speech at Xavier University) and was the director of the Assembly Committee at Isidore Newman school in New Orleans. As such, I was responsible for programs and entertainment for over 600 students approximately six times a year. (read more)
...I am a French native, born and raised in France, Nice. I have been living in the U.S. for the past 8 years. I worked as a French Educator at Alliance Française in Miami. (read more)
...I aspire to become a lawyer as my future career. Criminal law has always been a personal interest of mine which is why I will be specializing in it during my undergraduate career. I hold a current GPA of 3.8 and have previously been on the deans list for the fall semester of 2017 and summer 2018. (read more)
...As a substitute teacher, I have had extensive experience working with ADD/ADHD students. I also have experience tutoring those students. In 2012, I tutored a 4th grade student who has ADD and was in danger of having to repeat the 4th grade. (read more)
...My greatest joy for tutoring comes from knowing I can make a difference in the life of another person, through empowering them in their education. I strive to ensure all my students yearn to know more about the subject they are taking, and also strive to do better. I am available after school on Wednesday-Friday, and will also accept some tutoring sessions on the weekend. (read more)