...In the third major area, I have also volunteered my tutoring services to coworkers seeking higher education as well as youth members of my church, who I have taught one-on-one and in a group setting. I have primarily worked with teenagers and young adults, though I am willing to assist other age... (read more)
...My specialty is helping struggling students succeed. I ran a credit recovery alternative education program for 16 years and helped many potential dropouts graduate from high school. That program provided more one on one instruction in a smaller classroom situation where students worked at their own pace. (read more)
...Let's discuss a program tailored to your child's needs today. I have four children of my own and I have successfully taught them for 13 years. I enjoy seeing young children have lightbulb moments, especially with something they thought they could not do. (read more)
...I heavily use Access VBA in all of my programming. I have always tried to teach the people I do programming for to understand how and why I did whatever I did. I want them to be able to feel comfortable using and making changes to their database. (read more)
...I address this just to explain why I marked film as a category. I say I am qualified for film because I've made a few short "films". I cast, wrote, made story boards, set up lighting, captured live audio, recorded foley, added special effects and edited all of them myself. (read more)