...During the past 3 years, I have been named on the Dean's List, and in the Fall 2014 semester I will became a member of Gamma Theta Upsilon, the National Honor Society in Geography. My hope in becoming a tutor is that I may be able to share my love of learning with others, so they too can develop... (read more)
...My first degree was a Bachelor of Science in Education from the Pennsylvania State University. I taught as a special education teacher from 1986 to 2005 and then became a school librarian and information technology specialist in 2005. I have three college educated children; one is a veterinarian, one is Director of Operations at Vanderbilt Children’s Hospital, and one is a musician. (read more)
...Everybody has a different learning style, and that may require changing how we think about how we study, learn, and demonstrate what we learn. In my personal time, when I am not helping my school teacher wife raise our children, I am involved in a local community theater group and play trombone ... (read more)
...I spent 33 years in the classroom in grades 6-9. During those years, I taught Reading, English, Science, Social Studies and Math. I was also employed as a team teacher specifically in Reading and Social Studies. (read more)