...As a student, I had many professors who encouraged and supported me to reach my potential and achieve my education goals. I take inspiration from them to apply to my tutoring. It is of the utmost importance to be supportive and focus on my student's strengths while helping build their confidence in the skills they need improvement on. (read more)
...I have also tutored numerous students who are wanting to improve their test scores. I enjoy showing my students how to tackle reading passages. Timing is important. (read more)
...In addition to creative writing, I have helped several students with formal essays, including college application essays. I have also helped students with basic writing and focussed on getting their messaging across in their voices. I have taught literature in periods ranging from Greek myths to Shakespeare to Hemingway. (read more)
...I have helped students achieve passing scores on the TOEFl through previous agencies. I am an English Teacher with a masters in education who teaches AP English at a public highschool in the U.S. I have tutored students in ACT and SAT outside of work on an individual level and in the classroom environment. (read more)