...I have a Bachelor’s Degree in Speech and Hearing and a Master’s Degree in Speech Pathology. I have my permanent teaching certificate in New York State. I was the recipient of 2 scholarships in my senior year of high school and another scholarship awarded by the Speech Pathology and Audiology Department of my university. (read more)
...I taught elementary education. My second grade students ranked at a grade five level on the TERA NOVA. I am the wife of a religious minister. (read more)
...I have worked any number of students and peers, helping to proofread and edit papers. I have completed numerous Education and English Li. courses where public speaking is required. I am an Eagle Scout and have had to complete numerous public speaking requirements to achieve this award and status. (read more)
...I am also certified to teach English. I push into the English classes at my high school. I also work as a tutor, credit recovery teacher, test prep teacher and summer school teacher. (read more)