...In the course of my lengthy service as an elementary and middle grades teacher, I had numerous ADHD and ADD students in my classes. I learned many strategies to use to allow them to learn comfortably in the classroom. Also, I chaired the RTI committee for my grade level for a few years and helped other teachers write their EIPs and both led and attended the EIP meetings for many of them. (read more)
...In this position I was responsible for the instruction of reading for students in grades eighth through twelfth. Once I moved back from St. Lawrence Island I accepted a position at Ridgeland High School, where I currently am teaching tenth grade English and Composition. (read more)
...You may check my background at anytime. I will travel short distances.I was a substitute teacher in this area for 2 years in Tennessee before moving to Virginia. I had to do daily classroom lessons, lesson plans, teach, assist the students with problems they had, and gave them assigned tests. (read more)
...See, special kids can be anything they set their heads to be ......they just have to set that goal and reach for it. It's up to people like us to get those special kids to see this. I took Bible 104 at Liberty University and this class goes through the entire Bible from Genesis to Revelation. (read more)