...As an elementary math tutor, I work with students to build a solid foundation in addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. I strive to make sure that my lesson plans complement what the student is currently learning in school and focus on his/her problem areas as well. My tutoring experience includes preparing students to complete required state exams such as the STAAR exam. (read more)
...I am a very positive person who has an enthusiastic approach to teaching. I connect well with students and I get a great sense of achievement from seeing my students develop and also grow as individuals. My desire is to have a positive impact on their future, which makes me feel I am doing my job well. (read more)
...I am a dedicated instructor with a deep Knowledge in grammar and writing. I taught high school English and helped students in writing reports and papers successfully. I have an expertise in ESL helping students pass tests to take part in the regular classroom instruction. (read more)
...I helped dozens of people reach their goals and even partake in math/science-based jobs after graduation. I have been certified as a Social Studies Composite Teacher since 2008 and have taught at the high school level in varying Social Studies subjects at the same time. Furthermore, I am a Hist... (read more)
...In fact, I enjoy reading new books because I like the novelty (no dust on this brain!) and because I can tutor a text with fresh eyes and show students a working example of how to read the text to meet the teacher's expectations. Tutoring with me on standardized tests is less time consuming and ... (read more)