...It is the common global language and is uniquely capable of integrating into various foreign language usage patterns. English is known for its frequent aberrations to Language Arts rules. Understanding how English developed and continues to morph for modern usage is key to mastering verbal and written communication. (read more)
...This transition was still in line with my calling to serve others at a high level and to educate in a different format and setting. Currently, I work as a life coach, tutor, and educational consultant. I have over 20+ years of education experience which includes, coaching, consulting, mentoring, training, and tutoring. (read more)
...Before that, I taught high school algebra and geometry for 9 years. I am certified by the Department of Education state of Florida to teach math grades five through nine. I homeschooled my three children and tested every year with IOWA Test. (read more)
...All students are welcome. I am available at your convenience.I approach writing as an extension of grammar. Poor grammar gets in the way of an otherwise well-written paper, recommendation, research paper, or even email. (read more)