...Following our time together, your child will then utilize those "tools" through the entire educational career. Remember, just as no two identical snowflakes have never fallen, no two students learn in the exact same way! If you have enjoyed learning about me and would like to inquire about services, please do not hesitate to reach out. (read more)
...I have taught second grade previously as well as positions as a reading specialist. The reading specialist certification is good K-12. I can teach all subject areas related to an elementary curriculum.I'm a highly qualified certified reading specialist in Pennsylvania with my certification being in grades K-12 as well as holding an elementary teaching certificate in grades K-6. (read more)
...I currently work as an elementary tutor and as member of extra-curricular team at a local elementary school. In addition I tutor elementary students in core subjects (math, language arts, science and social studies), basic computer skills and basic how to for internet applications. I work with students with a variety of learning styles to help learn and retain information and skills. (read more)
...I work with families to make sure that their children are reaching all of their developmental milestones and are prepared to go to preschool. I have worked with early Intervention previously, so I have an understanding of developmental delays. I can help in area of speech and language development, cognitive skills, preschool/school readiness and behavior difficulties. (read more)