...Throughout my time in both educational levels I found having a professor be passionate for what they taught made it easier for me to learn and that is something I carry forward with my own tutoring methods. I am a visual learner so having things written out in step by step instructions were more... (read more)
...I also competed at four collegiate competitions in Newcomer and Bronze, making it to semi-finals several times and finals twice. I would feel comfortable teaching basic waltz, tango, foxtrot, swing, cha cha, and rumba. I took a discrete math course in college and earned an A+. I majored in math with a 3.97 GPA. (read more)
...Preparation for the math portions of the GMAT and the GRE are very similar in topics: Pre-Algebra, Algebra, Geometry, Basic Probability, and Data Analysis. While a calculator is allowed on the GRE, it is a very basic one. For the GMAT, a calculator is allowed on the 'Integrated Reasoning' Section, but not the 'Quantitative' Section. (read more)
This is my 16th year of teaching mathematics from pre algebra, algebra 1, geometry, algebra 2, and college level intermediate algebra. I love working with middle school, high school, and college level students and finding ways to help them understand the concept they are struggling with. I've had ... (read more)