...While at Furman, I was involved in the Student Activities Board, served as chaplain of my sorority, and served as a freshman mentor. In 2022, I received my Masters in Theology from Samford University, where I graduated with a 4.0 GPA. During my post-graduate studies, I was able to further improve my skills in writing, research, communication, and reading. (read more)
...If we really understand who we're writing to, our message becomes personal, vivid, and effective. That awareness of the audience dictates everything from global considerations like tone, structure, and length to granular details like whether a joke (or a rambling, amusing parenthetical musing) a... (read more)
...While my strategies are not set in stone and I am up for anything that will help you, I do not work in a vacuum. I need a firm commitment from you that you will give me the same amount of effort I am putting out there. I require all assignments to be completed in full at the beginning of each session; there may even be a pop quiz or two. (read more)
...C.With several years of teaching experience in elementary classrooms, I've honed my expertise in various subjects, including math, reading, science, and social studies. Holding a Bachelor's degree in Education and certifications in Elementary Education, Middle School Math, and High-School Englis... (read more)
AdamAlgebra might have been my favorite type of math when I was in school, and I excelled at it. I have a good understanding of algebra. In high school, I excelled in Algebra 2. (read more)