...From there, I fell in love with helping students and made tutoring my hobby/part time job. Unlike other tutors, I have gracefully failed many times. I understand what it's like to feel suffocated by a subject. (read more)
...I believe that in order to teach something, you must first master it. I am currently pursuing my Master's degree in Chemical Engineering at New York University. Engineering is a very mathematically intensive degree and I can say that I have a firm grasp of how math is applied to everyday life. (read more)
...I can teach fundamentals of music theory. I am happy to teach music notation, rhythm, scales, and dynamics. I also incorporate music theory in flute and piano tutoring. (read more)
...I am currently enrolled at the University of Delaware and major in Earth Science Education. I also am a student teacher at Middletown HS located in Middletown, DE. I specialize in Earth Science (Geology) and Physical Science topics. (read more)