...Does this make sense? Is your answer reasonable? If you are looking for a tutor that will just "answer my questions" then I am not the right tutor for you. (read more)
Struggling with math? I'm here to help! With a bachelors in mathematics, a robust background as a high school math teacher specializing in algebra and geometry, and a successful five-year career as an actuary, I blend real-world experience with educational expertise to make learning math not just effective, but exciting! (read more)
...I love tutoring because it's a chance to get to know you in real depth, and give super-detailed attention to exactly what you need. I enjoy building up a strong connection with you, and figuring out what methods will work best for you. I also love helping you become more confident in topics that you may always have felt insecure about, from math to grammar to reading. (read more)