...Computational Physics involves multi-dimensional modeling which is used through calculus, but involves programming functions and mapping them out to describe diffusion, advection, dispersion, etc. The physics courses I have completed involve using all three levels of calculus, such as taking der... (read more)
...I have completed statistics research as part of an REU program at Ohio Wesleyan University. In California, common core state testing is done with the SBAC (also called the CAASPP). In the spring and summer of 2015, I served as a test grader for the CAASPP and was eventually promoted to the posit... (read more)
...There are a number of strategies that have enabled me to successfully transmit my own abilities at acing standardized tests (my college education at UCLA was completely funded by a combination of diverse scholarships, all of which commented on my top performance on standardized tests as a major f... (read more)
...As a student, I have also experienced the difficulties of not understanding content, of feeling lost and not knowing how to proceed, of wanting to give up because the content is too hard. It had always been frustrating to hit a seemingly dead end, so when I was offered the opportunity to become ... (read more)