...AoPS is an extremely rigorous program requiring deep understanding and problem solving. At AoPS, I have taught topics such as Pre-algebra, Algebra 1 & 2, Geometry, Precalculus and Calculus many times. I have also taught AoPS classes on Number Theory, Combinatorics, and Probability. (read more)
...I have taught chemistry, physics, biology as well as mathematics, including statistics and calculus, on the high school and college levels for nearly forty years. I have prepared students for the ACT since its inception, and have tutored SAT since I myself was a high school student. I have taught Organic Chemistry and also all MCAT sciences subjects for over forty years. (read more)
...I enjoy helping students understand difficult concepts my simplifies break down method. I also stress on understanding concepts rather than memorizing as it builds the logic and sets you up for future success. So, what are you waiting for? (read more)
...I am certified to teach high school math so I understand the course requirements and state standards for this course. I am proficient in Word and Excel and have general knowledge and experience with Windows and Apple computers. I have tutored numerous students in geometry with great success. (read more)