...I've also taught physics at the high school and college levels, and I ran a summer science precollege program, for which I also taught astronomy. I write about science (mostly astronomy) at the K-12 level. Physics & astronomy professor with 25 years teaching high school and college. (read more)
...My general approach includes the following: (1) listen to student's concerns and their interests (this will help me draw powerful content connections during lessons and improve knowledge retention) ; (2) leverage my expertise in teaching in learning to scaffold student learning; and (3) help stud... (read more)
...I currently teach eighth grade English Language Arts. As a Study Skills tutor, I will work with the student on organizational skills such as keeping a planner, an organized notebook and binder, as well as setting up times/structures on how and when to study. In addition, I will provide various ... (read more)
...My agent called me "Two-Weeks Karin," because my clients would go from D's and F's to A's and B's in just two weeks. The school where I am employed has documented the rise in ACT and SAT scores in our students since I took over the position in 2013. I have a Bachelor's Degree in Mathematics and an M.Ed in Curriculum & Instruction: Mathematics K-14. (read more)
...My experience includes both face to face and on-line editing support, looking carefully at sentence structure, grammar, and syntax. I am a former literacy teacher experienced with phonics, word families, and visual spelling activities. My students have been most successful learning spelling pat... (read more)