...One is to make the idea more concrete and less abstract. A student may not understand why 0.3 is greater than 0.25, but they know why three dimes are worth more than two dimes and a nickel. Another is to present a simpler problem with the same concept, such as posing 1/3 + 1/4 to a student who answers 7/12 + 4/5 = 11/17. (read more)
...I look forward to working with you. My publishing career afforded me the opportunity to speak publicly on many occasions. Speaking at sales meetings, in a auditorium to individuals interested in publishing as a career, and class testing new texts within a classroom setting were essential to my career success. (read more)
...I was youth leader at my church for over 10 years, Sunday night speaker at my church for 3 years. I am presently the President of a national Christian ladies retreat group. I speak both nationally and internationally for churches, retreats and seminars. (read more)
...I also love teaching people about music. I have played the clarinet since I was 9 yrs old. I am now 36 yrs old and have not quit playing my clarinet. (read more)