...As a student, I loved the feeling of when a topic or concept 'clicked', so I could actually understand how and why the knowledge I learned was important - more than just memorization for an exam. I am a patient and diligent individual, and I am passionate about helping students fully utilize the... (read more)
...I know exactly how AP Calculus problems are assessed to give you the best insight into the AP Calculus exam. I enjoy integrating real applications with every concept we discuss. Oh and I have a ton of math jokes that some may say are corny :). But humor is the shortest distance between two peo... (read more)
...Even now, I use calculus regularly in my daily life. Teaching calculus is one of my favorite things because it transforms the way students see mathematics. I regularly help students with all levels of calculus, from AP Calculus to college Calculus 1 and 2, as well as multivariable calculus. (read more)
...I believe that tutoring should not be done according to a rule governed, formulaic method, but should rather follow a fluid process structured to the student's current needs and progress. This means that I am committed to finding a way to help students learn that does not just start with a speci... (read more)
...I also scored a 170 on the math section of the GRE. (My full score was 170-164-6.0 -- I'm happy to help with the GRE more broadly, too.)
I got my start as a college-level tutor in physics mechanics in 2011, and haven't looked past it since. I consider myself to have mastery of the content in th... (read more)