...One of the best parts of tutoring is helping individuals achieve their career goals in life. All too often entrance exams such as the ASVAB can become a stumbling block toward a career goal. So it is especially rewarding to help individuals prepare and conquer the challenge of this test. (read more)
...I have also successfully tutored numerous students preparing to excel in the GRE in anticipation of returning to graduate studies,
I enjoy one-on-one tutoring, particularly simplifying complexities, theories or problems and offering analogous examples so that students truly understand the why a... (read more)
...They are usually one on one, but I have also taught small groups of 2 students. I try to find ways to make the concepts easier to understand to the students, and I show the students why the concepts work to make them truly comprehend the material. I help my students solve a problem by letting t... (read more)
...I am very effective in helping students to not only get a better grade, but also to really understand the subject matter and the reasons why things work the way they do. I genuinely believe every student can learn and I look forward to helping anyone better understand math. Being a TA and priva... (read more)