...My educational background is in the area of Special Education. Within classrooms, childcare, and camp settings I have worked with students diagnosed with a variety of disabilities. Part of my work includes using social stories and direct teaching of social skills. (read more)
...Trained in several reading and math programs including Wilson Reading and have used several others without formal training. I have experience with students diagnosed with specific learning disabilities and severe cognitive impairments. It is a passion of mine to help students improve and also learn how to advocate for themselves. (read more)
...I took a number of microbiology classes in college and have been a microbiology adjunct teacher and tutor for 15 years. I have taught organic chemistry on the JR/SR college level a Qyuinisgamond Community College in Worcester and at the MAss College of Pharmacy in Worcester and Boston, as well as the University of RI. I have taught Pharmacology in junior colleges as part of nursing programs. (read more)
...I have worked with numerous different applications and have been able to utilize pieces of programs that I see for for each student. I have familiarity with programs such as: Wilson Reading, Reading Mastery, Read Naturally and Reading Street among others. I am a Board Certified Behavior Analyst and have been working with the special needs population for 10 years. (read more)