...Having received the prestigious Presidential Preemptive Recruitment Fellowship at the University of Texas, I understand the complexities of higher education from an insider’s perspective. I am deeply invested in the success of my students, working closely with them to prepare for college, naviga... (read more)
...With a bachelor’s degree in history, a master’s degree in teaching English as a second language, and the better part of an undergraduate degree in biochemistry, my educational experience allows me to tutor a broad range of subject areas while using the practical teaching skills learned in my mast... (read more)
...For ACT English I use a test based approach and teach how to identify the type of problem and how to solve each type. I have earned a Bachelor's degree in math from UCLA and a Master's degree from math from u akron. I was taught math at college level, physics at hs level. (read more)
...Most of the software I have developed has been with database systems and websites. I like to challenge my student to learn hands-on. I offer computer programming training online or in person. (read more)
...I have been signing since I was an infant (I signed before I spoke) and use it every day with my students. I have been a teacher of the deaf for seven years. I majored in Deaf education (preK-12) and elementary education (preK-6) in college. (read more)