...I have about 2 years experience tutoring Algebra, 5 years experience working with students with learning difficulties, and overall 10 years of tutoring experience. I fell in love with grammar at an early age and have studied it for many years. I am always refreshing my memory and correcting peo... (read more)
...My name is Michael F, and I'm excited to help you improve as a writer or to get that college essay up and running. I have been an English teacher on the secondary level for over ten years now and have lots of experience working with students to hone their writing skills and prepare for a college... (read more)
...I am certified in South Carolina and North Carolina to teach mathematics and English, gifted students, and mentoring student and new teachers. I am an expert at using graphing calculators, website building, all Microsoft products and some Adobe products, and more. I recently renewed my National Board Certification in teaching mathematics. (read more)
...I graduated from a top-ten college and a top-ten law school. I have worked with many college and law students over the past decade on their writing and career choices and have loved doing so. I would welcome the opportunity to work with WyzAnt students on their writing and editing projects. (read more)