...I would love to set up a short, free interview to see if I am the right fit for you. I can't wait to guide you in your learning journey! I am a certified English teacher and have ten years of experience in teaching English grammar. (read more)
...Success in helping students for personal, professional, and academic purposes. As an academic, I have a keen awareness of grammar, syntax, and spelling. I'm also proficient at identifying the most effective and appropriate tone and style for specific writing purposes. (read more)
I've been lucky in my life to have many passions--- but two of the most consistent are a love of language, and of helping people. I have over a decade of college level (undergrad and graduate) writing experience, including admission essays that landed me spots in top tier institutions (and even pla... (read more)
...True learning does not come from memorizing a singular problem-answer pair, but from being able to draw relations between what you've learned and a new problem you must solve. I truly do love and enjoy teaching, as I have seen the benefits of good teaching during my time as a learner. It is eas... (read more)