...With my extensive experience in the technical industry, I have a strong background in mathematics and computer science. I tutor students from 3rd grade to Algebra 2. I also teach java to High school students. (read more)
...Ranked in the top 15% of GPA for juniors and seniors.- Teaching Assistant in Computer Science at BYUI tutor in:- Coding Interviews (Programming Interviews)- Algorithms and Data structures- AP Computer Science- Java- Python- C Programming- Web development (Angular, React, Javascript, Typescript, C... (read more)
...Our lab focuses on human immunology. I have a B.S. from Caltech in Bioengineering, and have TA'd for courses in molecular biology, systems biology, and analysis of research data. In the python language, I have:
- Trained a neural networks on the GPU of my own PC both for image segmentation in m... (read more)
...I hold a Bachelor’s and Master degree in Computer Science, and have worked at Google as a software engineer for 10+ years. I have professional experience with Java, Python, C++, SQL and have worked on a variety of other systems and backends. I also have a great grasp of algorithms and data stru... (read more)
...I also helped edit essays for high school and college students, based on what they wanted me to review and what feedback they were looking for. After graduating high school, I worked as a 1-1 tutor for math subjects up to Calculus II, as well as Python and Java. I tutored students between ages 9 and 17, meaning that I adjusted my lessons for a variety of age levels. (read more)