...Aside from preparing you for exams or simply feeding your curiosity, my biggest goal as your tutor is to make topics tangible and appealing. In my own studies, I have discovered that courses feel "easier" when they are palpable to me; when I can understand their relevance to my life or to the wo... (read more)
...Since my first semester of college, while pursuing my engineering degree, I got a job in the tutoring lab and worked as a math tutor, tutoring from Algebra 1 to calculus. I had group sessions, going over concepts and example problems. Following the group sessions, I worked with students individually going over anything that wasn't clear during the group session. (read more)
...Over 6 years experience tutoring high school Geometry. I have both taught and tutored PreAlgebra for over 15 years, and my strengths lie in helping students not only gain confidence in their math work, but also retain their skills. I have been a full-time high school math tutor for over 6 years, covering all grades and all levels of the math curriculum, including Precalculus. (read more)
...I am a high school math teacher with 34 years experience teaching students in grades 7-12. I have also taught at the community college level and have experience with adult learners. I really enjoy getting to work with students one-on-one. (read more)