...Former long-term substitute math and science teacher from 2007 to 2010. Standardized test strategist (SAT, DAT)
Matriculant to UConn School of Dental Medicine, class of 2008 For years I've tutored word problem solving, fractions and ratios, shape concepts, measurements and conversions, and pre-a... (read more)
...I'm conditionally certified and in the process of earning a master's degree in elementary education and curriculum and instruction. Through instruction I focus on writing conventions, reading comprehension, and grammar. I pull small groups during enrichment blocks for intervention in both gifted education and reading support. (read more)
...I teach Russian classes at the Chesapeake College. I have MS in Electric Engineering and currently I am a certified teacher from KCHS and used to teach Discrete math in my school. I can teach my prospective students all kind of problems on Counting Methods, Probability of events and Algorithms. (read more)
...It's been an incredibly difficult couple years for students and parents alike, and we all need some extra help. I spent 5 years teaching adults about Engineering and Manufacturing processes, in particular Quality Control. I taught very precise skills as well as overarching geometrical and statistical concepts. (read more)