...For example, I’ve had students really struggle with Precalculus, and it’s because Algebra II never clicked for them. If the student barely squeezes through Precalculus, then Calculus is going to be a nightmare. Therefore, I want to ensure that you really learn the material. (read more)
...I specialize in teaching Foundational Mathematics, and have a great deal of experience with college-bound students as well as students with special learning needs. When working with students, I help them identify their learning style and strengths and teach students to use them to their advantag... (read more)
...I know how to take tests and can help students understand different ways of looking at problems to achieve a successful solution. Sometime, if the college allows, I recommend take the ACT exam because a good percentage of students score "higher" on the ACT version of the math for some reason. I taken competitive math tests starting in 5th grade through my sophomore year of college. (read more)
...Like so many things, I believe mathematics can be a fundamentally simple subject IF a student has been given a rock solid foundation in the basics; without this, it can instead be a daunting and complex world. Most of what we do in mathematics has a geometric interpretation, meaning we can draw ... (read more)