...I have degrees in mathematics, physics, and computer science as well as extensive experience tutoring. When tutoring, my goal is to consistently discover where the student is at and guide them gradually to the next level of understanding. I think it’s essential to take the time to work up, then jump around. (read more)
...I am very comfortable with writing SQL from scratch, including complex joins, DDL, and query optimization. I have full-time production-environment experience with SQL, both writing raw SQL and through the use of an ORM. I have also done extensive SQL work in personal side projects, and in a non-development IT position I held before my first full-time development role. (read more)
...I also volunteered and taught Mathematics when I was high school as teaching Mathematics was my passion from a very young age. I also worked in MNC in software industry more than two decades. Also I published 10 US patents during my working years in the software industry. (read more)