...Our son had significant writing challenges that ranged from simple mechanics and spelling to more complex sentence structure needs. Through Ed’s approach and assistance, our son has significantly improved his capacity as a writer. We still have work to do, and Ed will be a part of that future. (read more)
...Along with my students, I enjoy learning the etymology of vocabulary. When vocabulary is your goal, you must increase your reading. We can add vocabulary-building to your lessons at your request. (read more)
I specialize in teaching English to native Spanish speakers because I am able to understand and speak Spanish at an intermediate level, and this helps with the learning process. I have many friends who speak Spanish, and I have also traveled to various Spanish-speaking countries to learn Spanish an... (read more)
...As a graduate student, my focus is directed towards global security and international politics, namely in the Middle East and North African region of the world. As a former tactical officer at the New York Military Academy (NYMA), I have experience working with children from the 7th through 12th... (read more)