...In the realm of mathematics, I cater to students from elementary through high school levels, providing comprehensive support to enhance their problem-solving abilities and elevate their grades to excellence. In English Language Arts, my focus is multifaceted. I work diligently to cultivate skills in reading comprehension, analytical writing, grammar, and creative expression. (read more)
...I am familiar with topics such as the inclusion-exclusion principle, the probabilistic method of proof in graph theory. I am also familiar with the method of proof by mathematical induction, the division algorithm, and the fundamental theorem of arithmetic and other such topics that would arise ... (read more)
...Step 5: Based on the professional opinions that I've sought out (and after sleeping over the essay we wrote), we edit the essay to make it as communicative and impactful as possible. Overall, this is a 3 to 4 hour process. I have a Master's in Psychology, which provides me with a thorough under... (read more)
...In addition, I am an NCCER Certified Master Instructor Trainer, and have developed training programs in some of the businesses I have owned and run. I speak Spanish and some Chinese. I hold a bachelor degree in electrical engineering and a master's degree in engineering from NYU Polytechnic School of Engineering. (read more)
...I've also taught and tutored organic chemistry courses for the past 8 years at both the high school and college levels. I also have experience teaching MCAT prep courses with focus in Organic Chemistry, Chemistry, Physics, and Biology. I've been a certified teacher in NJ for 14 years. (read more)