...D)! I graduated magna cum laude with a Bachelor’s degree in Biophysics, after which I earned a PhD degree in Theoretical Biophysics. During my postdoctoral training at University of Alabama Birmingham and at North Carolina State University, I had the privilege to mentor undergraduate and high ... (read more)
...While in high school, I also volunteered with tutoring middle school/elementary school students at a local Boys and Girls Club. In the past, I often participated in competition math. Some background into my standardized testing includes: perfect 800 in SAT Math as well as Subject Test SAT Math ... (read more)
...I feel I would be able to help you proofread essays, papers etc. because of my attention to detail, developed through years of studying complex medical texts and writing precise reports. I’m used to working with technical language and ensuring clarity, accuracy, and consistency in both written a... (read more)
...Teaching is one of the foundations of medicine. Whether it is a resident teaching a medical student or a fellow learning from an attending, teaching is a vital component throughout one's medical career. I graduated from the College of William & Mary with a B.S. in Chemistry. (read more)
...Therefore, my last class and final exam before commencing from undergrad was English 101 as a 3 credit hour course. This prepared me to enjoy a grade point average of at least 3.8 for the entirety of my Master's level writing and studying career. Professors enjoyed reading and grading my papers. (read more)