...With the understand of all these different type of students and their struggles, I prepare lessons that will best tackle the areas that students may find challenging. Some of my favorite topics to tutor are Mathematics, Computer Science and Spanish. For the longest time, I have tutored mathematics since my freshman year in college. (read more)
...I am a registered chemical engineer, and have dealt with chemistry for 40 years. I earned an MBA from California State University, Fullerton. I have held management positions with Unocal, Bay Zinc Company, Pace International and Fluor Hanford. (read more)
...Despite my lack of experience and limited math knowledge, I was eager to learn how to teach people and learn more math in the process, and I grew to be one of the most lauded and sought out tutors during my years working at the MLC (2008-2013); I received much recognition and earned the Outstandi... (read more)