...Pouseille's Law tells us that the volume flowrate between two points along the length of a closed tube is proportional to the pressure difference between the points as well as the fourth power of the radius of the tube. This law also serves as a good model of blood flow throughout the cardiovasc... (read more)
...I can help you or your child with math. I offer tutoring services for elementary, middle, and high school students. As a professional math tutor, I am qualified to teach many different levels of math. (read more)
...I consistently received very high student feedback marks as a TA (~4.8/5 stars) and as a tutor. Regarding high school mathematics, I tutor CP and Honors Algebra 1 all the way to AP Calculus. I also am very comfortable tutoring CP and Honors Chemistry, CP and Honors Physics, as well as ACT and MCAT preparation. (read more)
...I ensure students have ample time and resources to practice materials independently so as to test their knowledge as well as gain confidence in their own intelligence in the topics in which they struggle. If a student is at first unable to fully grasp certain (or even all) concepts, I will not h... (read more)