...Graduating Cum Laude, I transitioned to teaching at Santa Ynez Valley Christian Academy, where I facilitated classroom instruction, supervised students, and supported fellow educators in creating meaningful learning environments. Following this experience, I pursued a Master's degree in Actuaria... (read more)
...My former students were as young as 6th and 7th graders who were admitted to specialized high schools (Stuyvesant, Bronx Science) to high school students who were admitted to Harvard, Cornell, Columbia, Cooper Union, and NYU.Algebra I is a very critical subject. A good solid foundation in Algebr... (read more)
...I have a Bachelor's degree in Aerospace Engr. After working for the US Dept of Navy for a few years, I felt it would be more rewarding to build people rather than airplanes. So I went back to college, attained an MEd in Secondary Ed, and have been teaching honors math classes at a private high school for over 35 yrs. (read more)
...If the student in your life needs a little inspiration, contact me to schedule an Orientation Lesson! More about me...I studied business management with a focus on entrepreneurship, while seeking professional certifications in accounting and photography. My professional roles have included: bus... (read more)
13 Subjects: includingPrecalculus,Statistics,Geometry,SAT Math