...This student also utilizes 5 times the number of neurons as non-dyslexic students which leads to the deeper understanding of lesson content. Educators need to understand that the dyslexic student may require extra time as an accommodation to complete assignments. Students require curriculum that matches their learning style. (read more)
Hi, I am currently a graduate student jointly at the National Cancer Institute and UCSD pursuing a PhD, having graduated from the University of Washington with a BS in Biochemistry and minor in Computer Science. I am an author or co-author of several publications in high-impact scientific journals ... (read more)
...Well, I like to laugh and I sometimes I don't even mind crying. Those are both important when you are a student of life, and that's what "history" is, isn't it? I'm old enough to have read and seen enough history to make it interesting, and young enough to keep you engaged. (read more)