...His latest collaborative stop motion animated short film Monster News Feed has been featured and awarded in several film festivals, including Best Experimental Film at Frostbite International Indie Fest. Ben’s nature photography has been featured in solo and juried shows and published in journal... (read more)
8 Subjects: includingWriting,Public Speaking,Photography,World History
...My name is Angie. I am currently a high school Spanish teacher. I have training and many years of teaching students with ADHD, ADD and autism. (read more)
...I have taught middle school students science, biology match and English for a year and I am currently teaching ESL online with a Chinese company for the past year. I have worked with children with Asperger syndrome in the past and I am comfortable and patient with ADD cases as well. My goal is ... (read more)
...I work in co-teaching high school math courses. I know how to apply mathematical strategies and concepts to material to ensure students have the foundational skills needed to build successful and build on upper-level skills. I have over 18 years of teaching experience. (read more)
...Physical science was my strongest course when I was in high school. I was able to complete this course, as an Honors class, with a 102 grade. There are a lot of wonderful things to learn about science and I hope to pass it on. (read more)