...As my first school grew and expanded, I was promoted to Head Mathematics Teacher and entrusted with the job of creating a curriculum for the newly added 6th, 7th and 8th grades. During the time of my employment, our mathematics department was outperforming every other department in the school. ... (read more)
...I have tons of materials I can share with you, including AP Test prep directly from the College Board website. Some of my past students have been accepted by elite colleges including Stanford, Cornell, Duke, Princeton, UCLA, Cal Berkeley, and many more. I also work as a mentor and private tutor... (read more)
...They're not easy subjects and don't come easily to many people. In fact, they require many hours of practice and thought even for the people that are 'good' at them. And you may very well feel like it doesn't come naturally to you. (read more)
...I break down the material being taught into small "bites" and I ask questions to ensure that students are grasping the meaning each time. My goal is to make students feel confident about the subject they need to understand and for them to stand on their own with the subject, passing exams, if necessary. I welcome parents to engage with me, and I can easily be reached by text. (read more)
...In addition to other freelance work, I am the editorial director of a beautiful and informative magazine dedicated to a local State Park Reserve.I passed the CBEST and possess a California Substitute teacher permit. I have been sewing since I was 12 years old (a long time!). I have worked as a seamstress. At one point I taught children how to sew. (read more)