...With a wide range of scientific readings at hand that pertain to my own research, I will be able to link the subject to the various subjects of the student's interest so as to provide relevance. I will also employ graphical content that give the students a more geometric understanding of the pro... (read more)
...I have deep working knowledge of physiology, especially cardiology. My professional experience centers on the design and implementation medical devices and electrophysiology. I worked with physicians in the hospitals participating in cases, and as an R&D engineer developing devices that advance healthcare industry. (read more)
...My personal work requires extensive use of algebra and other formulaic math. My personal weakness in algebra is matrices - I'm proficient with them, but I'm not very found of them, as most problems you would solve with matrices can be solved with other, much easier algebra operations. All of my... (read more)
...I graduated from Carnegie Mellon University as a biochemistry major with departmental, research, and university honors. Throughout college, I tutored high school students in Biology and Chemistry, where my students consistently succeeded in receiving the highest grades. Also, I spent two years of my undergrad as a teaching assistant for a Physiology course. (read more)
...I have excelled in difficult and rigorous math courses in both high school and college. I received perfect scores in the SAT and ACT math sections as well as a 5 in the AP Calculus BC Exam. I have continued to do well in college and now I am part of the IEEE Honor Society HKN. (read more)