...The two main questions I seek to answer in my sessions are: what does it mean and why is it used? I also give examples of applications, shortcuts, and pitfalls to avoid when designing and analyzing studies, so that students develop intuition on the subject. I have taken a year of graduate level... (read more)
...I taught Precalculus as a high school math teacher and I am currently tutoring many students in Precalculus. I was a high school math teacher teaching Precalculus which contains Trigonometry. I also taught many students Trigonometry in a tutoring company. (read more)
...Supply and demand are explained in this subject and if your student has a demand for a tutor in this subject, I will be more than happy to supply the tutoring needed. Economics is about analyzing how a society produces, distributes, and consumes goods and services. It is a very interesting subject to learn as the concept affects our daily lives. (read more)
...I'm very patient and will work with you till you understand the concept completely. Even though my last time I tutored math was 10 years ago, I still have the knowledge and patience to help out right now. Especially with these uncertain times, there is more demand for virtual learning and for teachers. (read more)
...I am available to tutor the following math levels: Elementary math, Pre-Algebra, Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra 2, College Algebra, FST, Pre-Calculus, Trigonometry, Math Analysis, Calculus AB, Calculus BC, and Statistics. My availability are weekdays night time to weekends early afternoon. Due to... (read more)