...That way, not only will you know what the answer is, but you will also remember how to do it and apply that reasoning to other problems like it. Above all else, remember that no matter what happens, I’ll be with you every step of the way. If you're my student, you can guarantee that you'll be i... (read more)
...Growth comes from continuous progress.
**NOTE: I strongly agree to and abide by Wyzant's academic integrity policies.**
“How can you not understand?” “...And you can figure out the rest for yourself” “What’s there to be confused about?” “It’s obvious that...”—Have you ever been told any of thes... (read more)
...I'm thorough, detail-oriented, don't rush students, and, above all, patient.I started tutoring algebra when I was a college student, both for college and privately for high school students. I've been helping students understand it for over 20 years, and it remains one of my favorite subjects to teach and tutor. I've taught Introduction to Probability and Statistics at the college level. (read more)
...I work as a Head Mathematics Tutor at Wayne State University and I have helped many students with Discrete Mathematics. I have taken Abstract Algebra, Analysis, and Probability at my University to help students who struggle with Discrete Mathematics. I have taken beginner and intermediate C++ at Wayne State University and passed both of those courses with an A. (read more)
...By helping students discover concepts through personal inquiry, sequences of scaffolded questioning, and concrete examples of content, students develop a stronger long term understanding of the concepts they are trying to learn. I am poised to help students that are already struggling to gain th... (read more)