...I am licensed as a teacher in the state of Utah, but my work at this school is primarily one-on-one in small individualized learning experiences (tutoring). Although I primarily teach in math, I also help with a variety of other subjects. I am currently tutoring my students with every subject fr... (read more)
...I have tutored a wide range of students at the high school and college level in a variety of math and physics subjects, including calculus, linear algebra, differential equations, mechanics, optics, and quantum physics. I believe that every student is unique and requires a different approach. I try to be adaptable and welcome any resources or suggestions students or parents can provide. (read more)
My name is Matthew. I’ve been successfully teaching a wide variety of high school subjects for about 15 years. These include French, English, speech & debate, philosophy, civics & government, history, geography, music and art history, mathematics, and others. (read more)
...I am able to grasp the larger picture of a given topic, and then use that perspective to bring the details into readily understandable focus for learners. My academic goal is to enable students to experience the joy and satisfaction of fully grasping a topic, and therefore enable their self-confidence to flourish. Mastery of any topic is within each student's ability. (read more)