...In addition to providing course tutoring for statistics and research methods, I also provide assistance with all aspects of quantitative and qualitative research including: literature reviews, identifying research topics, experimental design, data collection, data preparation, data analysis, inte... (read more)
...I completed a bachelor's degree in psychology at the University of Central Missouri in 2018 and earned a master's degree in school psychology from the University of Missouri in 2024. I expect to complete my PhD in 2027. Although degrees help efficiently communicate one's expertise, they're meaningless without the skills to back them up. (read more)
...From there, I provide strategic hints, explain key concepts clearly, and work collaboratively to ensure they fully understand each step of the process. In addition to our tutoring sessions, I emphasize the importance of self-study. I recommend trusted YouTube channels, engaging math websites, a... (read more)
...My approach for students struggling with ADHD symptoms in school is to work one-on-one with them to determine where their specific challenges lie, and help them explore tools and strategies for approaching these challenges. These can include accessibility tools such as text readers and alarms, a... (read more)
...Part of my doctoral journey was many, many, many essays. Not everyone finds writing to be fun or easy, but that's okay. I am happy to review and edit essays, theses, and dissertations. (read more)