...I now teach at a rather large high school and teach Geometry, Introduction to Chemistry, and Introduction to Physics. My favorite subject to teach is Geometry, and High School students are my "kids". I love that moment when a student who has struggled with a concept finally has it "click" and t... (read more)
...Furthermore, I excel in English instruction, reading, proofreading, and grammar tutoring. As a Freshman in College I started tutoring Algebra and Calculus to make some extra money. It beat getting a job with a boss and it helped me develop a teaching style. (read more)
...I graduated from Central Michigan University with a B.S. in Secondary Mathematics Education and a minor in TESL (teaching English as a second language). Since graduating, I have experience teaching both middle and high school levels. These courses include Pre-Algebra, Algebra I & II, Geometry, S... (read more)
...Parts of sentences are learned such as phrases, what is a noun, subject, pronoun, object, verb, adverb. The student learns which form of the action words or descriptive words are proper to use with the subject or object. Also in elementary grammar, when and why to use quotations and other punctuation marks. (read more)