...For over six years as a classroom instructional assistant, I've had the privilege of guiding K-5 students through subjects like reading, writing, math, and science. My passion lies in providing personalized support, whether it's one-on-one attention or fostering collaboration in small groups, en... (read more)
...I also have a background in the mental health field. I enjoy working with a diverse population of students and no challenge is too much for me. I specialize in English and strengthening reading and writing skills for students. (read more)
...My mother-in-law always told my girls, "If you can learn to read, you can learn anything." I had a very systematic phonics approach with my 3 daughters and they were incredibly successful at learning to read well. I also worked professionally with BookNook a reading tutor platform to support st... (read more)
...The subject I have found I am best at teaching is English; from teaching an Elementary student how to read to helping proof-reading essays. However, I am more than happy to help a student in any area of study to the best of my ability! Throughout high school, I was in honors English and a part of the National English Honors Society. (read more)