...My diverse experience has taught me how to adapt to different learning styles and personalities, which has allowed me to create personalized tutoring plans for each student. By breaking down complex concepts and providing clear explanations, I have helped my students achieve their academic goals... (read more)
...My students love me! I've received a Caltech student teaching award and a National Cottrell Scholarship for teaching innovation. I teach high school and college physics and math. (read more)
...If you’re not being challenged enough, I can present you with a deeper layer of understanding than your teacher is able to in a large classroom. Whatever level you’re at is where we’ll start. One of my best tactics using an online simulation website to let you experience the science instead of just reading about it. (read more)
...It CAN be very useful in everyday life, not just for the math aspect, but for learning how to think through problems in a logical way. As with Algebra 1, I can help you get a better grasp of the concepts of Algebra 2, leading to understanding instead of confusion. We will start with simple prob... (read more)